
  • Getting up to speed now


    I did say that I’d post something the moment I got a breath, but that doesn’t appear to be happening anytime soon. So I thought it best to start scheduling in some hard deadlines to publish here, and elsewhere for that matter. Might as well get back into the rhythm of extreme self-management! One of…

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  • Back on the WP Wagon


    Some different factors of late have nudged me back into the WordPress wagon where I now find myself in an eerily familiar state traversing the WP landscape of tutorials, support topics, and community forums. It’s a world I haven’t been immersed in for about 5 years, and while it still feels like home, much has…

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  • QR Squared: The Power of 2D Codes


    by Julia Camenisch Interested in promoting your small business or freelance services using a free technology with recent growth rates of 1600%? Yes, the customers are flocking to a new advertising medium. The cost for you to implement it is zilch. Oh, and did I mention the enormous potential for effectively engaging customers and adding…

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  • Can’t get no satisfaction


    Sometimes I don’t don’t know when to stop. At what point do I stop playing with the details of a project when I can’t get no satisfaction? It’s a good thing there are deadlines…Been spending much time on 3hirdCoast.com project.Visit it. Bookmark it. Fwd it. Make it your homepage. That would be satisfying. Thanx.

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  • Shut Down


    Was working on SouthTexasCommunityGardening.com site this weekend. At exactly 2am,the site shut down – without notice – for scheduled maintenance. Four hours of work down the drain?, Thankfully, no. But had to find that out later that morning. Speaking of shutting down, AEP showed up to my house on Friday to switch out my trusty,…

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