January 2012

  • Crowdsourcing or Outsourcing?


    ‘Crowdsourcing’ in my opinion is just a fancy netword for ‘auction’…as in international auction. Ok, Outsourcing. There, I said it. At first read, my response was to shake my head and mentally mutter “bottomfeeders…” in my head. But as often happens, I checked myself as to why that was my reaction. I’ve held an acct…

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  • Little Quirks


    Site might be acting a bit quirky over the next few days. Just doing some much needed maintenance and updates.

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  • seth is cool.


    I was watching this video – again – from Seth Godin, one of my favorite business philosophers: [vimeo http://www.vimeo.com/384049 w=600&h=333]

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