
  • WordPress 3.5 Beta and Twentytwelve


    Just set up WordPress 3.5 Beta release on my local WAMP server. Comes bundled with the new Twentytwelve default theme. Looking forward to improvements with the media section. Will update post with my thoughts when I’ve had a chance to play with it.

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  • On The Move


    I must love moving…Now I’m moving all my web stuff to a new home. The old neighborhood just couldn’t keep up with growth, so had to leave. It’s a pain, but works for the best down the road. In the meantime, I’ll be hanging out here while the new place gets built.

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  • PayPal Here


    PayPal enables me to conduct my business from anywhere, and what I mean by ‘conduct business’ is, my ability to collect payment electronically. Not only am I stoked to see them roll this out, but I also appreciate this video put out by the designers at Fuseproject that give a quick run-through of the design…

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  • Brand Yourself


    Like or not, information about you is all over the internet. And search engines won’t hesitate to tell others what they know about it. The Digital Trends blog posted a great article on how to control your personal SERP (Search Engine Results Page) presence through a site called www.BrandYourself.com. As a privacy hawk, I’ve googled…

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  • Fork


    I’ve found there’s two camps of thoughts out there among the all-knowing biz gurus, when it comes to your profession… The whole point of this ramble is that I find myself having to choose one of these 2 paths at this time.

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  • Pinteresting


    Is Pinterest the new Facebook? It’s certainly grabbing a ton of headlines lately, especially since it ranked 2nd behind FB in referral traffic. I have an idea why…stay tuned.

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  • Crowdsourcing or Outsourcing?


    ‘Crowdsourcing’ in my opinion is just a fancy netword for ‘auction’…as in international auction. Ok, Outsourcing. There, I said it. At first read, my response was to shake my head and mentally mutter “bottomfeeders…” in my head. But as often happens, I checked myself as to why that was my reaction. I’ve held an acct…

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  • Little Quirks


    Site might be acting a bit quirky over the next few days. Just doing some much needed maintenance and updates.

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