
  • Busy, Building, Bunnies


    I’m not even going to try and explain myself with this title. I just know that it’s been some time since I’ve posted anything and these were the first 3 words that popped into my head when I started thinking why that was.

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  • Getting up to speed now


    I did say that I’d post something the moment I got a breath, but that doesn’t appear to be happening anytime soon. So I thought it best to start scheduling in some hard deadlines to publish here, and elsewhere for that matter. Might as well get back into the rhythm of extreme self-management! One of…

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  • Back on the WP Wagon


    Some different factors of late have nudged me back into the WordPress wagon where I now find myself in an eerily familiar state traversing the WP landscape of tutorials, support topics, and community forums. It’s a world I haven’t been immersed in for about 5 years, and while it still feels like home, much has…

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  • Updating My Blog – a new theme


    What I haven’t really paid attention to, until the last few weeks, is how awesome the theme repository has become. Both the quantity and quality of the selection has improved significantly since I last interacted with this blog in a meaningful way.

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  • WordPress 3.5 Beta and Twentytwelve


    Just set up WordPress 3.5 Beta release on my local WAMP server. Comes bundled with the new Twentytwelve default theme. Looking forward to improvements with the media section. Will update post with my thoughts when I’ve had a chance to play with it.

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