
This – you gotta see!

  • Getting up to speed now


    I did say that I’d post something the moment I got a breath, but that doesn’t appear to be happening anytime soon. So I thought it best to start scheduling in some hard deadlines to publish here, and elsewhere for that matter. Might as well get back into the rhythm of extreme self-management! One of…

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  • WordPress 3.5 Beta and Twentytwelve


    Just set up WordPress 3.5 Beta release on my local WAMP server. Comes bundled with the new Twentytwelve default theme. Looking forward to improvements with the media section. Will update post with my thoughts when I’ve had a chance to play with it.

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  • PayPal Here


    PayPal enables me to conduct my business from anywhere, and what I mean by ‘conduct business’ is, my ability to collect payment electronically. Not only am I stoked to see them roll this out, but I also appreciate this video put out by the designers at Fuseproject that give a quick run-through of the design…

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  • Fork


    I’ve found there’s two camps of thoughts out there among the all-knowing biz gurus, when it comes to your profession… The whole point of this ramble is that I find myself having to choose one of these 2 paths at this time.

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  • Crowdsourcing or Outsourcing?


    ‘Crowdsourcing’ in my opinion is just a fancy netword for ‘auction’…as in international auction. Ok, Outsourcing. There, I said it. At first read, my response was to shake my head and mentally mutter “bottomfeeders…” in my head. But as often happens, I checked myself as to why that was my reaction. I’ve held an acct…

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  • Sketchy


    I tried Google’s Sketchup some time ago but didn’t put much time into it and decided to focus more on feeding the Revit monster. So when a project came along last week that looked like a job for SketchUp, I ran through the Lynda.com training to brush-up on the latest version (SKP 8), downloaded it…

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