
  • PayPal Here


    PayPal enables me to conduct my business from anywhere, and what I mean by ‘conduct business’ is, my ability to collect payment electronically. Not only am I stoked to see them roll this out, but I also appreciate this video put out by the designers at Fuseproject that give a quick run-through of the design…

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  • When you do what you love, you do your best work


    It’s timeworn and almost cliche’ – but still true. When you do what you love, you do your best work by Chris Talbot – July 6/2011 Freelancers have it pretty good. Although there are downsides to every job (and as jobs go, the freelancing rating scale goes to 11), many freelancers are self-employed because they’re…

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  • 3 Kinds Of People


    “There are 3 kinds of people in the world today. There are “well-poisoners”, who discourage you and stomp on your creativity and tell you what you can’t do. There are “lawn-mowers”, people who are well-intentioned but self-absorbed; they tend to their own needs, mow their own lawns, and never leave their yards to help another…

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  • The Public Library?


    …As a resource? Still? Don’t laugh. Surprisingly, I’ve actually picked up a few good books there lately. Like the book I’m perusing on Le Corbusier, and 2 other interesting reads about craftsman bungalows (I’ll have to find the 3rd one as it turns out to be a set). Sometimes a book itself is obsolete, but…

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  • Shut Down


    Was working on site this weekend. At exactly 2am,the site shut down – without notice – for scheduled maintenance. Four hours of work down the drain?, Thankfully, no. But had to find that out later that morning. Speaking of shutting down, AEP showed up to my house on Friday to switch out my trusty,…

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