
  • Fork


    I’ve found there’s two camps of thoughts out there among the all-knowing biz gurus, when it comes to your profession… The whole point of this ramble is that I find myself having to choose one of these 2 paths at this time.

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  • When you do what you love, you do your best work


    It’s timeworn and almost cliche’ – but still true. When you do what you love, you do your best work by Chris Talbot – July 6/2011 Freelancers have it pretty good. Although there are downsides to every job (and as jobs go, the freelancing rating scale goes to 11), many freelancers are self-employed because they’re…

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  • 3 Kinds Of People


    “There are 3 kinds of people in the world today. There are “well-poisoners”, who discourage you and stomp on your creativity and tell you what you can’t do. There are “lawn-mowers”, people who are well-intentioned but self-absorbed; they tend to their own needs, mow their own lawns, and never leave their yards to help another…

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