The Peak is in Sight


Yes, it is that time of the year again.

That moment when we casually look at our calendars and suddenly exclaim in astonishment –

WHAT?! It’s already November?!!

The buzz of an extended election season is now beginning to diminish slowly, at least for the average American. Maybe.

For me, thoughts have turned to the future:
Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Hey, my horizons tend to be somewhat myopic at times. Especially during uncertain times living in uncharted waters.

So what makes this holiday season so special this year?

I’m not sure just yet. I really haven’t had a whole lot of time to reflect on the past year. Although I’m certain it was quite memorable.

Let me just come clean here…

This post is like a Seinfeld episode. It’s really about nothing. It’s a post to publish a post.

I realized that despite my intentions, desires, and many ideas – I haven’t put in the effort of actually publishing.

And this post is to remedy that.

I’m hoping this little, nothing blurb pops the clutch to get the writing motor revved up again.

After all, the end of 2024 is just a few more turns up ahead. I can even see the snow covered peak.

But we’re not quite there yet.