Busy, Building, Bunnies


I’m not even going to try and explain myself with this title. I just know that it’s been some time since I’ve posted anything and these were the first 3 words that popped into my head when I started thinking why that was.


It’s true I’ve been busy, but who isn’t? The fact is, I haven’t been giving priority and equal placement to this site.

But today is here and now – and still the best time to start.

Spinning my wheels trying to mentally sort through my past schedule became a futile attempt to figure out what I should share. Finally, I decided to just go with a summary of what I’m going to share later. It buys me some time, but more importantly, it gets this boat out of the harbor and out in the open water.

Momentum is key.


I will be posting some thoughts, comments, and pics on a few of the projects I’ve been working on over the past few months, both physical and digital as I tend to keep my feet fully planted, one each, in both realms.

Terra Firma

In the physical realm, I found myself completing flooring/door/window installs, and a patio deck refinish in NorCal, the White Mountain region of AZ. Here in my own backyard, I enjoyed a little ‘Daddy DIY’ time with a couple of my girls . More on that last project later.

The Digiverse

There’s always stuff going on in the digital universe. I continue to immerse my nights in WordPress projects as the welcome sensation of atrophied skills, slowly begin to return. Every session of online building, tweaking, and troubleshooting serves to shore up and strengthen a once fading foundation.

And there’s new tech to explore as well! I’m still keeping my fingers on the pulse of web3 as the decentralized web is the future. But it seems that the lustre of AI is now starting to tarnish. It won’t be going away anytime soon, but I’m just not that into it!


Ok, you’re probably wondering about the bunnies.

After our family friend and faithful Aussie, ‘Strider’ passed at a good old age, the youngest members of our family were ready for some new furry friends to care for. They’d been checking out rescue bunnies both online and in-person at the local shelter for several months and were just waiting for the right time.

The right time being, once a home was ready for them to inhabit.

The idea of building a bunny hutch with dad as a backyard project was floated, and remained the preferred method of moving forward for some time. That is, until it became apparent that dad might be too busy to get this done within the desired timeframe.

After some consideration of an Amazon purchase, and one OfferUp fail, I committed to getting this done.

For those who still feel their word should carry its weight in gold, there’s nothing like committing to your kids – who are now depending on you to follow through – as motivation for getting something done.

We repurposed some lumber that had already been repurposed a few times (loft bed w desk, refurbished loft bed, outdoor playhouse/fort, and decorative wedding arch) for materials. Yep, more stories queued up for later on that lumber and related projects..

It took about 2 days total, building the hutch under our covered patio while it rained. In the end, we had fun building it together while they learned some skills that could come in handy down the road. And they got their bunnies. It’s something tangible that they are now extremely proud of, made more valuable by the experience and what they put into it.

I couldn’t agree more.