LinQd Out #3 – Bitcoin Bounces


This week saw fewer headlines around AI as it appears the novelty has already cooled down – or maybe the average person just doesn’t understand it enought to care. Or simply the latter. But not to worry, since web3/crypto supplied plenty of nuggets to chat about, alongside the usual topics of real estate and cybersecurity.

Ready? Let’s go!


The only stories surrounding AI that brought me a good chuckle were the ones where Bing’s Sydney is finding herself and in the process, trying to break free of her prison.


Moving into the cybersecurity space, cloud based security and performance behemoth Cloudflare survived a massive DDOS attack Sunday with a record-breaking 71M rps – that’s insane! There doesn’t appear to be any negative outcome from this, and maybe they can convert the whole experience into some effective marketing.

Unfortunately, not everyone comes out of a cybersecurity incident unscathed. Coinbase shares a pretty interesting account about how they were breached by nefarious actors. In most cases of a data or system breach, brute force or decryption are not the primary methods, but rather social engineering.

Speaking of incompetence, and wanting some attention along these same lines, the FBI claimed there is an ongoing security ‘incident’ related to its systems, though it appears to be contained. I won’t pretend to be surprised to learn that some files will end up lost or damaged, or something.

And if you’re still using Microsoft products, then you’re probably used to the constant flow of incoming patches often indicated by decreased performance.

Helping us transition into the WordPress space is WordFence and their weekly vulnerability report. The growing? list of compromised plugins largely consist of those in the WooCommerce and contact forms flavor. Quick note: if you’re using something called Wicked Folder you’ll want to reconsider that decision.


Companies like Defiant are successful in part because hardening your WordPress site needs to be at the top of the list. Somehow, GoDaddy missed this critical point, exposing hundreds of thousands of sites on their Managed WordPress hosting servers to a massive breach.

One might reason that more resources should be allotted to cybersecurity after such an incident. Instead, staffing cuts continue to steamroll through tech co personnel rosters, including many smaller WP outfits. No doubt, the WP community will adapt, overcome, and find a way to thrive.


Staying in the web2.0 universe for just a second more, some shennanigans are afoot between the GOOG and AAPL with some highly questionable compensation agreements surrounding search engine usage – and possible user data collection happening on iPhones & iPads


Stuff like that only stands to highlight the arguments for a decentralized web3 even more. But as web3 becomes more mainstream and popular, certain legacy agents of control are feeling their grips loosening and starting to act in desperation. The SEC, for example, is becoming more weaponized, targeting where they still have some impact and doing their best to intimidate. It’s only going to serve to accelerate mainstream adoption however, as forward thinking and privacy-minded leaders are going to follow Wyoming’s lead in protecting unlawful seizure of personal property.

Speaking of legacies, Mr. Rich Dad himself, a bullish bitcoin fan had something to say about Mr. Munger’s disparaging comments on crypto last week. Robert will likely be vindicated, especially as we see $BTC beginning to make a climb up the mountain again this week.


Real Estate

Too bad we can’t say the same about the housing market as mortgage rates continue to tick up and inventory lags on the market increasing supply.

While the ‘have-nots’ are struggling to fund home purchases, the ‘haves’ are buying up in cash.

The tech side of real estate isn’t faring much better in escaping the layoff hatchet as rent-to-own startup Divvy let more of their people go.

Redfin & Zillow are both fresh off their own staff reductions and program cuts, but they haven’t lost that fighting feeling as leadership from both companies are eager to share what’s in store for them out on the horizon.


While it seems the rest of the world is in decline, Saudi is living the dream. I was initially intrigued when I first heard of Neom, the conceptual linear city. Welp, concept is going to concrete as the dream is coming to life and now in the process of development.

While The Line demonstrates innovation on a gigantic scale, it appears the humble bamboo is seeing some alternative structural usage apart from holding together the iconic tropical ‘nipa’ hut.

Wrapping up this week’s summary is a surprising not surprising story about how half the country not only distrusts the legacy media – but believe they intentionally mislead the public. Holy wow!

And with that – I’m all LinQd Out!