Linqd out #4 – Crypto goes to DC


Only if you squint will you realize that it’s been just over a year since my last post.

So no squinting.

That said, let’s commence with LINQD Out #4 and just keep moving along like nothing happened.

Covering some of the more interesting bits of happenings within WP Land…

  • WPEngine’s TorqueMag has reliably been publishing WP content since around, oh… forever. But I’ve noticed no new posts since DocPop’s Apr 18th podcast. I know Brian Gardner published a couple of shows last month under ‘Press This’, but those didn’t get any exposure on TorqueMag. Makes you go hmmmm…
  • Noticing a similar pattern with WPTavern, had originally announced a sorta Hunger Games trial for aspiring authors wanting to replace Sarah Gooding. After several entries from a select few, the site went silent. Until recently when podcast episodes hosted by Nathan Wrigley began popping up. Is WordPress turning into AudioPress? The site itself appears to be undergoing some transformation.
  • Gutenberg Times continues to faithfully aggregate WP related stories each week. I’ve tried reeaally hard to listen to the podcasts. Unfortunately, I find the audio a little difficult to follow. It’s possible that my hearing continues to slide further into decline. Sorry Birgit!
  • WordCamp Asia 2025 will be held in Manila, Philippines on Feb 20-22. I’m only mentioning this because I am seriously planning to go.
  • Jamie Marsland seems to have tapped into something with his speedbuild challenges. I was first made aware of this series after watching the episode between 2 of my favorite online teachers: Nick Diego and Brian Gardner. What I found really insightful and encouraging about this format was watching how these talented devs build sites – and the affirmation it brought me in comparing workflows. Check it out!
  • No sooner had I posted my own thoughts on the future of digital ads/SEO than Brave follows up with a little affirmation bit.
  • AI is still hanging around the marketing watercooler, trying to find its place in the space. CopyBlogger throws out some ideas on how to leverage it in content marketing
  • Meanwhile, Ahrefs crosses the 10k downloads milestone for their SEO podcast. To celebrate, Tim Soulo provides 10 reasons why you shouldn’t do it.
  • If you use Stripe for billing and payments, be sure to check out the new changes announced for July 2024 as products are being consolidated.

There is so much going on in this space – and so quickly – that it would be impractical to try and link out to all the headlines. One crypto news aggregate site that I scan daily is:

Have at it.

That said, here are some happenings that I found of interest

As the rest of the world seems to be in general decline and turmoil, let’s check in on how they’re doing over in Saudi…

Is it just me, or does the narrator sound just a wee tad upset that things are going so swimmingly with these projects?

And with that – I’m all LINQD OUT!